Is Your Job Not What You Expected?

Sometimes you accept a job thinking, “This is gonna be PERFECT!” and then when you get there, something just doesn’t seem right.

Has this ever happened to you? Me neither…..

Until now.

I recently accepted a job at a highly accredited non profit organization. I was so excited for this position. It seemed perfect for me! After I started my trainings, I realized something went against my beliefs. It wasn’t petty things like, I don’t like the uniform or 8am is too early…it was much more than that. (I would share my experience but I don’t think that’s entirely necessary…sorry!)

ANYWHO, If you find yourself in this situation, here are some steps to deciding what to do.

1. Share your findings with someone you trust; mom, dad, sister, brother, aunt, grandpa, friend etc
2. Analyze what exactly goes against your views and decide if its something that will change with time in the position.
3. Recognize your initial response/feelings. Wy did you first feel this way? Are you going to be unhappy at this job due to your moral differences?
4. Write down how you feel while articulating specific examples or situations to back up your decision.
5. Decide how important it is to you to work in your moral compass daily. Can you just ignore it while at work or will it prevent you from doing your job? If all of these steps lead you to the same result, there is your answer!

The most important thing I can say is follow your heart FIRST and your head, second. Do not keep a job for the money if it will make you miserable or unnecessarily stressed from day one.

Like I said, this recently (as in last week) happened to me and after great consideration and the following of these steps, I chose to terminate my employment at this organization. If you find yourself in a similar situation and you decide to leave the position, follow these steps or ones similar:

1. Articulate your feelings and findings in a letter to send to your supervisor or manager. This will help to better inform them as to why you no longer wish to work there. In my situation, my reasonings were more serious then in say, a retail job, but still. Is always good to give feedback.
2. Say thank you! Don’t forget to thank them for the opportunity. Manners are very important in life.
3. Apply for new jobs! Don’t go n a hiatus from employment because of this. Jump right blackout there and apply! Nobody has time to be unemployed, right?!
4. Remain positive!

I’m sure I’m not the only one to ever have this experience…. Right?

Have you ever had experience with this situation? What steps did you take to decide between staying or leaving?